Have you ever wondered how to pronounce those difficult latin names of plants. This might help:
The following lists are plants that should grow in our area.
A great deal of additional information can
be found on these plants by following the "more >" link which takes you to Wikipedia or by
typing the name in the following custom search which searches a selected group of respected
sites. For information on growing your own food look here >:
Humulus |
HUME-yew-luss |
Hops |
more > |
Achillea |
ah-KILL-lee-ah |
Yarrow |
more > |
Aconitum |
ak-on-EYE-tum |
Monkshood |
more > |
Alchemilla |
al-kem-ILL-ah |
Lady's Mantle |
more > |
Anemone |
ah-NEM-oh-nee |
Japanese Anemone |
more > |
Anthemis |
an-THEME-iss |
Margarite Daisy |
more > |
Aquilegia |
ak-will-EE-zsah |
Columbine |
more > |
Arabis |
AYR-ah-biss |
Wall Rockcress |
more > |
Armeria |
ar-MARE-ee-ah |
Thrift |
more > |
Artemesia |
ar-tem-EE-zsa |
Artemisia |
more > |
Aruncus |
ah-RUN-kus |
Goat's Beard |
more > |
Asclepias |
ah-SKLEE-pee-us |
Butterfly Weed |
more > |
Aster |
ASS-ter |
Aster |
more > |
Astilbe |
ah-STILL-bee |
Astilbe |
more > |
Aubrieta |
Arenaria |
Sandwort |
more > |
Aurinia |
or-EE-ni-ah |
Basket-of-gold |
more > |
Bellis |
BELL-iss |
English Daisy |
more > |
Bergenia |
ber-GEN-ee-ah |
Bergenia |
more > |
Campanula |
kam-PAN-yew-lah |
Bellflower |
more > |
Campsis |
KAMP-sis |
Trumpet Vine |
more > |
Cerastium |
sir-ASS-tee-um |
Snow-in-summer |
more > |
Chrysanthemum |
kris-AN-theh-mum |
Chrysanthemum |
more > |
Clematis |
KLEM-ah-tis |
Clematis |
more > |
Cornus |
KOR-nus |
Dogwood |
more > |
Delphinium |
del-FIN-ee-um |
Delphinium |
more > |
Dianthus |
dy-ANN-thus |
Pinks |
more > |
Dicentra |
dy-SEN-trah |
Bleeding Heart |
more > |
Doronicum |
door-ON-ih-kum |
Leopard’s bane |
more > |
Echinacea |
eh-kih-NAY-shah |
Coneflower |
more > |
Erica |
eh-REE-kah |
Heather |
more > |
Euphorbia |
yew-FOR-bee-ah |
Euphorbia |
more > |
Filipendula |
fil-ih-PEND-yew-lah |
Meadowsweet |
more > |
Gaillardia |
gay-LARD-ee-ah |
Blanket Flower |
more > |
Geranium |
jer-AY-nee-um |
Hardy Geranium |
more > |
Geum |
JEE-um |
Geum |
more > |
Gypsophila |
jip-SOF-ih-lah |
Baby's Breath |
more > |
Hemerocallis |
hem-er-oh-KAL-iss |
Daylily |
more > |
Heuchera |
HEW-ker-ah |
Coral Bells |
more > |
Hosta |
HOSS-tah |
Hosta |
more > |
Iberis |
eye-BEER-iss |
Candytuft |
more > |
Iris |
EYE-riss |
Iris |
more > |
Lamium |
LAY-mee-um |
Dead Nettle |
more > |
Leucanthemum |
lew-KAN-theh-mum |
Shasta Daisy |
more > |
Liatris |
lee-AT-tris |
Blazing Star |
more > |
Ligularia |
lig-yew-LAR-ee-ah |
Ligularia |
more > |
Lobelia |
lo-BEE-lee-ah |
Cardinal Flower |
more > |
Lupinus |
Lew-PY-nus |
Lupine |
more > |
Lychnis |
LIK-nis |
Maltese cross |
more > |
Malva |
MAL-vah |
Mallow |
more > |
Matthiola |
math-ee-OH-lah |
Stock |
more > |
Monarda |
mo-NAR-dah |
Bergamot |
more > |
Nepeta |
NEP-eh-tah |
Catmint |
more > |
Paeonia |
pay-OH-nee-ah |
Peony |
more > |
Papaver |
pa-PAH-ver |
Oriental Poppy |
more > |
Penstemon |
PEN-steh-mon |
Beard Tongue |
more > |
Phlox |
flox |
Phlox |
more > |
Physostegia |
fy-so-STEE-jhah |
Obedient Plant |
more > |
Platycodon |
plat-ee-KOE-don |
Balloon Flower |
more > |
Polemonium |
Pol-ay-MOH-ni-um |
Jacob's Ladder |
more > |
Potentilla |
po-ten-TIL-ah |
Potentilla |
more > |
Primula |
PRIM-yew-lah |
Primrose |
more > |
Pulmonaria |
pull-mon-AR-ee-ah |
Lungwort |
more > |
Pulsatilla |
pull-sah-TIL-lah |
Pasque Flower |
more > |
Rudbeckia |
rud-BEK-ee-ah |
Black-eyed Susan |
more > |
Salvia |
SAL-vee-ah |
Salvia |
more > |
Saponaria |
sap-oh-NAR-ee-ah |
Soapwort |
more > |
Scabiosa |
skab-ee-OH-sah |
Pincushion Flower |
more > |
Sedum |
SEE-dum |
Sedum |
more > |
Sempervivum |
sem-per-VEE-vum |
Hens and Chicks |
more > |
Smilacina |
smeh-la-SEE-nah |
False Solomon's Seal |
more > |
Stachys |
STAK-iss |
Lamb's Ears |
more > |
Tanacetum |
tan-ah-SEE-tum |
Tansy |
more > |
Thalictrum |
thah-LIK-trum |
Meadow Rue |
more > |
Thymus |
TY-mus |
Thyme |
more > |
Tiarella |
tee-ar-EL-lah |
Foamflower |
more > |
Verbascum |
ver-BASS-kum |
Mullein |
more > |
Veronica |
ver-ON-ih-kah |
Speedwell |
more > |
Vinca |
VIN-kah |
Periwinkle |
more > |
Viola |
vy-OH-lah |
Pansy |
more > |
Yucca |
YUK-ah |
Yucca |
more > |
Amelanchier |
am-el-AN-keer |
Serviceberry |
more > |
Aralia |
ah-RAY-lee-ah |
Aralia, angelica-tree |
more > |
Caragana |
kare-ah-GAY-nah |
Peashrub |
more > |
Chaenomeles |
ke-NOM-eh-lez |
Flowering Quince |
more > |
Clethra |
KLETH-rah |
Summersweet Clethra |
more > |
Corydalis |
kor-ID-ah-liss |
Corydalis |
more > |
Cotinus |
koe-TY-nus |
Smokebush |
more > |
Cotoneaster |
kah-TONE-ee-ass-ter |
Cotoneaster |
more > |
Crataegus |
Hawthorn |
more > |
Deutzia |
De-T-zee-ah |
Deutzia |
more > |
Elaeagnus |
eh-leh-AHG-nus |
Russian-olive |
more > |
Forsythia |
for-SITH-ee-ah |
Forsythia |
more > |
Fothergilla |
fah-ther-GILL-ah |
Fothergilla |
more > |
Hibiscus |
hy-BIS-kus |
Rose-of-Sharon |
more > |
Hydrangea |
hy-DRAIN-jah |
Hydrangea |
more > |
Ilex |
EYE-leks |
Holly |
more > |
Juniperus |
joo-NIP-er-us |
Juniper |
more > |
Kalmia |
KAL-mee-ah |
Kalmia |
more > |
Kolkwitzia |
kol-KWIT-zee-ah |
Beauty Bush |
more > |
Ligustrum |
lih-GUS-trum |
Privet |
more > |
Lonicera |
lon-ISS-er-ah |
Honeysuckle |
more > |
Perovskia |
per-OV-skee-ah |
Russian Sage |
more > |
Philadelphus |
fil-ah-DEL-fus |
Mock-Orange |
more > |
Physocarpus |
fy-so-KAR-pus |
Ninebark |
more > |
Potentilla |
Po-ten-TIL-ah |
Potentilla |
more > |
Rhus |
rus |
Sumac |
more > |
Sambucus |
sam-BOO-kus |
Elder |
more > |
Sorbaria |
sor-BAH-ri-ah |
False Spirea |
more > |
Spirea |
spy-REE-ah |
Spirea |
more > |
Syringa |
sy-RIN-gah |
Lilac |
more > |
Vaccinium |
vak-SIN-ee-um |
Blueberry |
more > |
Viburnum |
vy-BURN-um |
Wayfaring tree |
more > |
yew-ON-ih-mus |
Euonymus |
Euonymus |
more > |
Acer |
AY-sir |
Maple |
more > |
A-bee-ez |
Chamaecyparis |
False Cypress |
more > |
Aesculus |
ESS-kew-lus |
Horsechestnut |
more > |
Betula |
BET-ew-lah |
Birch |
more > |
Corylus |
KOR-ih-lus |
Hazel |
more > |
Fagus |
FAH-gus |
Beech |
more > |
Fraxinus |
FRAKS-in-us |
Ash |
more > |
Ginkgo |
GINK-oh |
Ginkgo |
more > |
Gleditsia |
gled-IT-see-ah |
Thornless Honeylocust |
more > |
Juglans |
JOO-glans |
Walnut |
more > |
Larix |
LAIR-iks |
Larch |
more > |
Liquidambar |
lih-kwid-AM-bar |
Sweetgum |
more > |
Liriodendron |
Lir-oh-DEN-dron |
Tulip Tree |
more > |
Magnolia |
mag-NO-lee-ah |
Magnolia |
more > |
Malus |
MAH-lus |
Crabapple |
more > |
Picea |
Py-SEE-ah |
Spruce |
more > |
Pinus |
PY-nus |
Pine |
more > |
Prunus |
PREW-nus |
Cherry, Plum, Almond |
more > |
Quercus |
KWER-kus |
Oak |
more > |
Salix |
- |
- |
more > |
Abies |
- |
- |
more > |
Sorbus |
SOR-bus |
Mountain Ash |
more > |
Styrax |
STY-rax |
Snowbell |
more > |
Taxus |
TAX-us |
Yew |
more > |
Thuja |
THOO-yah |
Cedar |
more > |
Thujopsis |
Thu-YOP-sis |
False Arborvitae |
more > |
Tilia |
TIL-ee-ah |
Linden |
more > |
Tsuga |
SOO-gah |
Hemlock |
more > |